

Low & medium voltage accessories and components

Our cables and accessories are the backbone of reliable and high performing equipment, with trusted performance under all stresses linked to harsh environments - from electrical, physical and mechanical to torsion, bending, radiation and more.

Draka E-LINE Downloads

E-LINE Family Selectiekaart


VULT E-LINE Selectiekaart


Draka VD E-LINE Selectiekaart


PROFIT + E-LINE Selectiekaart


BARNICOL + E-LINE Selectiekaart


Datasheet VULT E-LINE Dca 0,6/1kV gy# 3G1,5 mm²

Datasheet VULT E-LINE Dca 0,6/1kV gy# 5G1,5 mm²

Datasheet VULT E-LINE Dca 0,6/1kV gy# 3G2,5 mm²

Datasheet VULT E-LINE Dca 0,6/1kV gy# 5G2,5 mm²

VD E-LINE Eca bk# 1,5 mm2

VD E-LINE Eca bu# 2,5 mm2

VD E-LINE Eca bn# 2,5 mm2

VD E-LINE Eca ye/gn# 2,5 mm2

BARNICOL E-LINE giethars# typeA 180ml

BARNICOL E-LINE giethars# type2A 286ml

BARNICOL E-LINE giethars# typeB 370ml

BARNICOL E-LINE giethars# typeC 750ml

BARNICOL E-LINE giethars# typeD 1300ml

BARNICOL E-LINE giethars# typeE 2150ml

BARNICOL E-LINE gietmof# A150 180ml

BARNICOL E-LINE gietmof# A210 370ml

BARNICOL E-LINE gietmof# A280 750ml

BARNICOL E-LINE gietmof# A310 1300ml

BARNICOL E-LINE gietmof# A370 2150ml

BARNICOL E-LINE gietmof# A470 4300ml

PROFIT E-LINE 16 gy VD Eca 3G2,5 mm²

PROFIT E-LINE 16 gy VD Eca 3G2,5+1,5 mm²


Linking expertise and innovation with industries worldwide

Prysmian Group offers a comprehensive, cutting-edge and continually evolving product portfolio that caters for today’s ever-increasing and diverse market demands. Anticipating changing trends and requirements, and working in constant proximity with our customers, we’re positioned to provide constant progress in keeping the wheels of industry turning around the world.

  • Strength #1
  • Solutions #2
  • Pro's #3
  • Product #4
  • Other #5

Prysmian Group offers a comprehensive, cutting-edge and continually evolving product portfolio that caters for today’s ever-increasing and diverse market demands. Anticipating changing trends and requirements, and working in constant proximity with our customers, we’re positioned to provide constant progress in keeping the wheels of industry turning around the world.


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