Electric crane saves 6 tonnes of CO2 on cable transports to construction sites
Draka has taken the next step in its pursuit of emission-free transport.
For several months now, Oegema Transport has been driving part of the cable transports to construction sites with a new semi low-loader equipped with a full electric crane. On an annual basis, the emission-free lifting equipment saves up to 6 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
The new semi low-loader is Oegema Transport's first with an electric crane and is used exclusively for Draka. All medium-duty cable transports with a tonnage of 2 to 8 tonnes between the cable factory in Emmen and construction sites in the Netherlands take place with semi low-loaders (3 to 6 transports per day). One of these semi low-loaders is equipped with a hydraulic crane with a lifting capacity of 25.8 tonnes, powered by an electric battery. The two-hour charging capacity is sufficient for 80% of the days. If necessary, the power pack is recharged from the tractor's extra-heavy alternator while driving.
Reducing carbon footprint
With the investment in the electric crane, the transport company, which has been taking care of all cable transport for Draka as a regular carrier for the past five years, wants to contribute to the sustainability ambitions of the largest cable manufacturer in the world. Parent company Prysmian Group wants to reduce the carbon footprint of cable transports to zero by 2050. Every step is welcome. This one electric crane alone saves up to 6 tonnes of CO2 on an annual basis, where up to 3,750 litres of diesel would otherwise be burned.
Ambitious plans
Compared to the current CO2 emissions of both Oegema Transport and Prysmian Group, the environmental benefit of the electric crane is marginal. However, both are very ambitious and are constantly exploring other paths to emission-free transport. For example, there are concrete plans to use electric trucks for Draka's cable transports in the short term. On the one hand, to further reduce their own emissions and, on the other hand, because more and more clients in the construction industry will prescribe low-emission or emission-free transport. Oegema Transport also expects to equip other new (crane) trailers with an electric crane.