
CableApp helps you choose the right cable solution

CableApp is the professional easy to use tool which helps you select the best type of cabling solution depending on the type of project and installation.

It calculates the optimal cross-section providing possible alternative solutions. Enriched by pictures and technical documentation.

It offers additional features like direct link to product catalogues, the possibility to easily print or share results with other people, and the access to news and videos.

Be sure of the right cable choice in an easy and quick manner. Rely on the nr. 1 experts of the industry: choose CableApp and Prysmian and Draka cabling solution as your daily partners.

Accessible everywhere

CableApp is available as an app on the phone or as software from the web. A versatile and intuitive tool with multiple features to support you on your electrical projects and installations.

Eco Advice

Our Eco Advice is expert advice that emphasizes the relationship with ecology and nature. Because in addition to technical requirements, economic and ecological considerations play a role in the choice of conductor cross-section. 

A larger cross-section reduces ohmic losses, which leads to energy savings and lower operating costs or CO2 emissions during the life of the cable.

CableApp calculates annual savings in € and CO2 for a conductor that is one or two sizes larger than the minimum technical requirement. For CO2 savings, the App is adjusted annually to the average CO2 emissions for Dutch electricity production in accordance with CBS figures.

To calculate the annual savings, the CableApp assumes full-time operation (8670 hours per year). In practice, a cable is usually not continuously loaded at the design current. Factors can be applied for average usage in % of operating time depending on the installation. The default value for this is 75%.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below you will find our FAQ – frequently asked questions that often arise, for example during seminars or via emails. If you don't find the answer to your questions, write to us: [email protected]

Android and Web: Go to the main menu button on the top left of the screen and click on the button that says “Info” or “About CableApp”. There you will find all the steps and formulas used for the calculation.
iOS: In the bottom right corner of your screen you will find the button that says “Other”. In this section, click on the button “Information”. There you will find all the steps and formulas used for the calculation.

For the calculation, CableApp requires information such as the type of installation, the installation method, voltage, current/load, and circuit length. The option for an advanced calculation allows you to set more parameters for the calculation such as the power factor, active power (kW), apparent power (kWA), utilisation (%), voltage drop, conductor short circuit rating, short circuit duration, ambient temperature and whether or not there’s direct sunlight (when admitted), soil resistivity (when admitted), number of trays (when admitted).

The result of your calculation gives you the best and most accurate cable cross-section for your needs. The output includes its essential technicalities such as the cross-section for the current rating and defined Voltage drop (when provided depending on your country), an energy-conscious solution suggestion and yearly savings (given some assumptions and parameters). 

Yes. You need to go to settings in the menu and there you’ll be able to set these parameters. In iOS you will find the settings button on the bottom bar (third button). Some of these values can be modified per calculation directly in the advanced entry form.

You can print the output as a PDF or go to the catalogue to see more details of your result. All these options appear right below the result of your calculation.

CableApp usually proposes the most common cable for your needs; however, in some cases, it also suggests one or more alternative solutions that match your requirements.

The yearly savings calculation performed considers assumptions on the following parameters: cost of energy, average usage percentage and CO2 emissions. You can change these in the settings as explained in answer 4. The calculation method for the yearly energy savings is found in the “Info” section of the menu.

CableApp offers a cross-section based on the cable family. If the cross-section needs to be bigger than the maximum for this cable family, it advises you to use more than one cable in parallel. In this case, it is advised to make the calculation with an alternative cable type that has bigger cross-sections. 

Choose CableApp

Be sure of the right cable choice in an easy and quick manner. 

Rely on the nr. 1 experts of the industry: choose CableApp and Prysmian and Draka cabling solution as your daily partners.


Use desktop version:

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Get in contact with the Draka helpdesk

Our Draka helpdesk has been there for you for more than 110 years! 

Our technical helpdesk is specialized in supporting your installations and solving technical problems. 

You can contact us for help with cable calculations and selections, CPR advice, technical advice and other technical issues. 

Our helpdesk staff is available to provide assistance by telephone or email and aim to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. 

Call us at: 088-808-4808 

Or send an email to: [email protected]




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