Speak Up

Fresh fruits for all employees!

Please enjoy our Fruit days at work!

As part of our commitment to creating a healthier and happier workplace and improving overall well-being, we are excited to offer free fruits to all employees. Every week you will find a variety of fresh fruits available in a few areas across the factory and office.

This initiative is a direct action taken based on the feedback we received from our latest SPEAK UP survey, where many of you expressed the desire for healthier snack options at work.

How does it work?

You willl find a few fruit stations across the across the factory and office.

To make sure that everyone has a chance to treat themselves with a healthy snack, we kindly ask you to keep in mind the following:

  • Fruit stations are restocked every week,
  • Each employee may take 3 pieces per week,
  • Check for any personal dietary restrictions or allergies before selecting your fruit. 

Please reach out to your local HR team for any questions 🍏


About Speak Up

In order to understand how we should develop and change, it is important to hear the employees' opinions.

That's why every year we conduct a global employee survey, Speak Up, where every employee in an anonymous way has an opportunity to make their voice heard. Based on the answers in the survey, an action plan is built and executed.


Following the links below, you may discover which actions are taken in North Europe region based on 2023 Speak Up survey: